You have received a Kosibox

We hope you like your Kosibox

Someone has given you a KOSI-LOVE package, and may have added a card with a greeting and extra gifts as well.

The greatest gift in life is to love, and to be loved. Someone sent you this gift to say they love you.

We hope you like it. Do you want to buy some of the products for yourself? Or do you want to give a Kosibox as a gift yourself? Here you can see more information about KOSI-LOVE, and you can learn more about Kosibox.

Thanks for the trade!

Best enjoyed...

...when you light a candle, enjoy every mouthful of delicious wine, while watching your favorite movie. Or better yet, while calling your loved one and telling them how much you love them back.

Be our joy spreader by getting involved on social media. Did you like your Kosibox? Take a picture of it, share on Instagram or Facebook and tag us (@kosibox). Maybe you'll get a free surprise that we can send back to the sender! #kosiboks #spreglede

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